Core Values
In May 1999, 51 Brethren in Christ men and women from across North America gathered to identify and restate the Core Values that most deeply resonate within our hearts and minds as a Church. At the end of three days of spirited and prayerful give-and-take, ten Core Values emerged.
In setting forth our Core Values, we declare our ties with true Christians of all times and every place. We confess with them the faith as embodied in the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed. We recognize that these values are rooted in our history and doctrine. In broad strokes, they convey the essential beliefs of our denomination as stated in our Articles of Faith and Doctrine.
We present these ten Core Values to help you to better understand the values that touch our hearts, stir our emotions, and move us to action!
Experiencing God’s Love and Grace
We value the free gift of salvation in Christ Jesus and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.
Believing the Bible
We value the Bible as God’s authoritative Word, study it together, and build our lives on its truth.
Worshiping God
We value heartfelt worship that is God-honoring, Spirit-directed, and life-changing.
Following Jesus
We value whole hearted obedience to Christ Jesus through the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit.
Belonging to the Community of Faith
We value integrity in relationships and mutual accountability in an atmosphere of grace, love, and acceptance.
Witnessing to the World
We value an active and loving witness for Christ to all people.
Serving Compassionately
We value serving others at their point of need, following the example of our Lord Jesus.
Pursuing Peace
We value all human life and promote forgiveness, understanding, reconciliation, and non-violent resolution of conflict.
Living Simply
We value uncluttered lives, which free us to love boldly, give generously, and serve joyfully.
Relying on God
We confess our dependence on God for everything, and seek to deepen our intimacy with Him by living prayerfully.